Monday, July 11, 2016

Midterm Reflection ISI2016



Midterm Reflection ISI2016

1. Describe yourself in terms of three strands: Writer, Theory and Technology.

I am not a sit at a desk and brainstorm writer or go to a special place to write, writer. I am an "on the go “writer. I continue to write until my project is complete. Whenever a thought comes to mind I write it down in my cellphone. I stop what I am doing and plug it in. When I have time I make decisions of what will flow. I have yet to develop a great theory although it is in my plans. I have managed to develop little theories like “To be proactive means to never have to worry about an out of controlled situation” when you pay attention to your life you can prevent chaos. Also when dealing with your life” Good intentions create great outcomes" when being proactive. Technology is a stranger to me although I am slowly becoming familiar by force (lol). I have decided to further my education and some of my assignments require technical inputs. Because I love to learn I am getting excited about adjusting to the technology aspects of the curriculum. It is an enjoyable challenge and a fascinated experience.

2. Although all three strands will be explored. Which strand will you focus on?

I will definitely focus on technology. I know the necessity of technology in the 21 century. I also want to be technically inclined because when you’re not you appear old. I am young at heart I do not want my lack of technology to define me.

3) How are you documenting your growth?

I am documenting my growth by my comprehension of the assignments. My growth has allowed me to listen first until my questions get answered. Then ask questions until my comprehension is secure. It makes a relaxing class that also allows great ideas to come to mind. It makes a less tense environment.

4) What are your developing goals as ISI progresses?

My personal goal is to improve self-growth in every class. My educational goal is to learn how teachers collaborates and how they set up their TIW. Every face- to- face session I have learned by listening to the teachers share their ideas with each other.   It is a great experience.

5) What help/ guidance do you need from me as your facilitator?

My help and guidance may consist of the technical aspect of the curriculum. Unfortunately I may need a physical step by step lesson on the technical aspects of the curriculum. A process that will allow me to write down the steps. I know it is time consuming but once I write it down I will never need another lesson of that technical aspect.

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